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  • 25 dark tales by Shelby Patrick

Welcome, readers of Horror and Suspense,

It's been awhile and I've been lapse in my writing due to some personal, depressing issues over the past couple of years. I am finally starting to get back on my feet and slowly getting back into writing, which always was my escape from pressures of the real world.

I am in the long, drawn-out process of dusting off some of my old stories and working on either completing them or having them professionally edited so I can rework them to supply you, my wonderful fans, more excitement through my twisted worlds.

As always, I am constantly on the look out for some fresh blood to assist me. I promise not to drink too much, just a few drops or two to whet my appetite *eg*.

Fresh blood, you ask? Editors and book cover artists are more than welcome to join my family.

Come walk with me on the wild side and enter into my devious mind, where only the sane will survive.

And remember to never give up on your dreams, even if you put them on hold for awhile.

God Bless!

Shelby Patrick

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